10 Big, Beautiful Barbs for Larger Aquariums
Barbs are some of the most popular aquarium fish, but there are some lesser-known gems out there. These are our ten favorite barb fish species.
10 Livebearers for Your Wish List
There are well over 300 livebearer species of freshwater fish, many of which are great for the aquarium hobby. These are our favorite live bearing aquarium fish.
7 Forgotten Livebearers
With over 300 species of freshwater livebearers in the hobby, it's no surprise that there are a few forgotten gems. Don't forget about these underrated fish!
10 Fish That Every Hobbyist Should Try
Although beautiful, goldfish aren't the only aquarium fish worth keeping. Here are ten of the best aquarium fish for freshwater tanks.
A How-To Guide for Breeding Corydoras Catfish
Breeding corydoras catfish is usually a simple process! Check out these tips for spawning and fry care.
A Rainbow of Gorgeous Guppies: Care, History & Beyond
Sporting countless color varieties & patterns, there’s a guppy for just about every fishkeeper! Learn how to choose and care for guppies.
A Cichla Saga
Breeding the peacock bass is no easy feat. This aquarist became one of the first in the US to breed it successfully.
A Bright and Shiny Beauty: The Sunshine Pleco
Beautiful colors and an outgoing nature set the sunshine pleco apart! Learn the basics about keeping and breeding these freshwater fish.
A Big, Small Change: Starting a Freshwater Nano Tank
Nano aquariums are rising in popularity worldwide. An experienced aquarist shares his advice for nano tank setup.
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